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28 Apr 2022 1451 0 comment

One of the more popular misconceptions regarding Macbook Pro laptop cases is that the only
purpose they serve is to keep your laptop looking stylish, but this couldn’t be farther from the 
case...pun intended. In fact, laptop cases serve a multitude of important purposes that you’ll 
be glad you were made aware in order to maintain your investment.

1. Prevent shock damage

Laptops are known to take a few hits over the span of their lifetime. Whether it’s because they
 have fallen off a coffee table, slid off the couch or bumped into the wall while you were carrying 
it, it’s common for laptops to receive a little bruising but some of those quick falls 
and bumps could lead to greater damage that your laptop might be experiencing. Worst case scenario,
 these dings could result in hard drive damage, the screen freezes when you turn it on, your data isn’t retrievable
 or you’re not being able to operate your laptop at all. Long story short, it’s a nightmare you want to avoid. 

2. Keeps the dirt and dust out. 

Just because your laptop is closed, doesn’t mean it’s protected against elements like dust, dirt and 
overall bad air quality. It’s true, all three can harm your laptop’s performance if they find their way in...and 
they will find their way in if you don’t have a laptop case. When they do, you might find that your keys begin to 
stick after use or not work altogether. That’s the last thing you want 
when you have approaching deadlines but need to perform emergency surgery in order to remove the years of dirt build up.

3. Protects against liquid damage 

No one on earth has ever not spilled a cup of something onto their laptop. 
Those fleeting moments when your hand knocks that glass of OJ over. You panic, 
praying you could turn back time to be more careful, running to get a paper towel to soak up 
the mess but it’s just too late. The damage is done. Laptop cases, much like dirt and dust, 
can protect your hardware from nasty spills as well. A hassle that’s easily preventable. 

4. Give your Macbook a clean, sleek look 

Purchasing a Macbook hard case or clear case doesn’t have to be completely about protecting your laptop.
 Sure, protecting your investment is a great thing, but why not treat yourself as well as your Macbook 
when looking for laptop case options. elago has a few choices you might be interested in that fit Macbook Pro 13”
 and Macbook Pro 15” in both clear and dark grey options as well as an ultra slim case for the Macbook 12”.
 We’re dark grey people ourselves but hey, go with your instinct! 

Buying a laptop can certainly be costly, so why cut the life of your laptop short by not adding some precautionary shielding to it.
You can never be too safe when it comes to protecting your investments, especially after the warranty has long since passed.
Click here to check out the options elago has to offer today and grant your Macbook Pro a longer lifespan! 



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